Author Archive

Social Community Manager

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A friend of ours on Twitter recently asked about a Tweet we posted regarding not wanting to have the job of Social Community Manager (SCM), so we thought it prudent to write a post on the topic of Social Networking and hiring a part-time or dedicated SCM. Why Hire a Social Community...

LifeLock Celebrity Apprentice Viral Campaign

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One of our favorite exercises is tracking social and viral campaigns by other companies and testing the effectiveness of each (as best as we are able to). Today, a friend of ours from the local SEM services company Local Splash send us an email stating they had seen us on a video where Steve...

Building an SEO Content Tracking Spreadsheet

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So you've done all of your keyword research and have picked out the 30-500 pages of content you'd like to write over the next couple of years based on keywords that generate leads and sales, but none that generate ambiguous traffic, right? So what's next? The next step in the Search Engine...

How to Do a 301 Redirect in .htaccess

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Redirection plays an important part in on-page search engine optimization, both at the website-level and at the web page-level. Having duplicate content on your website or possibly even on a different domain, could impact the power of the page hosting the content you want to appear at the top of...

What is SEO?

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) explained by SEO Expert Steve Wiideman. Watch this video on the art of Search Engine Optimization to fully understand in laymen terms what is involved in the optimization process. Watch this "What is SEO?" video before hiring an SEO company so you can know...

Notifying Google of Website Maintenance

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A good friend of mine who runs a web development blog recently sent me a great link to a post that describes the technical solution for notifying Google of website maintenance, which is important because if the Googlebot crawls through a link to a page on your website and gets a 404 error, it could...

Title Tag Principles

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One of the principles I discuss frequently is the number of times your website appears for a given search term and number of clicks to your website (called an impression). The ratio of clicks divided by impressions is referred to as Click-through Rate, or CTR, which is by far one of the most...

Paid Search: PPC Advertising

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So you've optimized your website for higher organic/natural search engine placement and have realized that it's going to take awhile to see some traffic produced from the handful of keywords you are optimizing for. Hopefully your chosen SEO company set good expectations with you or right now you're...

Google Algorithm

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The Google algorthim is actually pretty simple. Google Ranking Formula: Relevancy/CTR + Visibility/Links = Higher Ranking Relevancy refers to several things, including how many OTHER related search terms a website appears in Google's search results for, how many people bounce back to Google...

Google Tips for Optimizing PPC Spending

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Google wants you succeed. They want to help you make the most from your organic and Sponsored Ads campaigns. Why? Two reasons: They have plenty of money and don't need more of yours They want to return the best possible search results to their users Therefore, when Google releases tips on...

Is Your Website SEO-Friendly?

Analyze your website to test for common SEO issues that could be hurting your rankings.