Expert Witness
Wiideman Consulting Group has provided expert witnesses for trials in Southern California and abroad. We have been on both the agency and the business side depending on the case. We never take a case unless we believe our client has been wronged. Below are common reasons we are called upon to represent a client or agency.
Suing an SEO Agency
Many SEO agencies believe they are truly selling a good product or service, yet lack the experience to handle SEO professionally. They carry on selling a service that doesn’t result in new sales for their client, or worse, one that results in Google penalties (such as Panda or Penguin penalties).
We can help. We’ll review your contracts, the work completed, historical assets (such as archive.org), current rankings and traffic data. If you’ve been taken advantage of, we’ll know, and we’ll defend you in court.
Being Sued by an SEO Agency
Likewise, with a case where a business has been a victim, if an agency turns around and sues and did not deliver on results, we’ll be able to assess the contract, the work, the value of the work and the results to help determine if an agency did what they promised.
Expert Witness for SEO Agency
As practitioners, we know how it feels to have spent a year working on a website and its corresponding content, only to have a rookie developer who works for our client wipe out all of our work. Typical circumstances where an agency will get sued where loss of rank was not their fault include site upgrades, moving URLs and not redirecting, stripping out or rewriting content and purchasing links from a third party vendor that violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.
If you’re an agency, you’re being sued and it’s not your fault performance did not meet your client’s expectations, we can help. Talk to one of our SEO Experts today about your case. There’s a reason so many agencies and pissed consumers come to us for help with their cases.