I remember a time when search sites were just directories that you had submit to for inclusion. As years past, search sites became search engines, and the race to rank was on. We JavaScripted our way to #1 with blank page packed with keywords and redirects until everyone was doing that, and then browser rendered content had to actually be displayed to the user. Then we Googlebombed the hell out of our sites on link networks, link exchanges and 3-way link programs, until link text distribution became a red flag for spamming.

As the years went by, the inevitable happened: we had to throw away our bag of tricks, put our thinking caps on and actually devote time to creating content the users and the search engines would grow to love. We also complained to Google, and complained to Google, and complained to Google, until the search engines responded by sending out Matt Cutts to liaison for them to the search community. I assume that they are getting less calls and that the need for support was answered. Just look at all the recent ways Google has opened up to helping SEO’s better understand the 30k foot view of what criteria is involved in higher ranking:

And finally the day has come, where Google Quality Engineer and Liaison to the SEO Community, Matt Cutts, shares link building strategies above and beyond the typical “no-no list”. The strategies shared in Matt’s video above include:

  1. Create a Controversy
  2. Answer Questions
  3. Conduct Research & Discuss the Results
  4. Get Involved with Social Media
  5. Create Lists (Top 50 Link Building Techniques, etc)
  6. Get a Blog and Establish Yourself as an Authority
  7. Write How To’s and Tutorials
  8. Run a Service or Create a Product (ie: Firefox Extension)
  9. Make Videos That are Enjoyable

Amazing how things have changed in the last 10 years. Now instead of jerking the perpetual screwdriver to pop the lid on the Google algorithm, we have so many tools to help us get higher placement and strategies from the source on how to build links. Incredible.

Thank you Matt Cutts. Thank you Google.