In this episode, Steve and Donna dive into an insightful discussion that highlights best practices for multi-location SEO. 

About Our Guest: Donna Donahue

Did you know that U-Haul is the #1 distributor of propane in the world? Well now you do thanks to our special guest former SEO Strategist for U-Haul, Donna Donahue. With an unwavering love for local and organic search, Donna has served as U-Haul’s local Search Engine Optimization Specialist. There are multi-location SEO pros and then there’s experts like Donna — who oversaw 22,000 U-Haul locations. 

Follow Donna Donahue on LinkedIn.

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  • The Long Game of SEO
  • Elevating Knowledge of SEO for Companies
  • Where’s the Value in Committing to SEO? 

SEO: Marathon, Not a Sprint

Conducting SEO for multiple locations is not for the faint of heart. It requires extensive research and careful attention to detail to ensure search engine rankings. 

One best practice for optimizing local landing pages is to include the following in the title tag:

  • Keywords 
  • City 
  • State 
  • Zip Code 

Pro-Tip: Don’t be afraid to use structured data to optimize your local pages. 

Don’t Assume Companies See Value in SEO

The truth is, there are many companies who still don’t understand the value of SEO. This is where you come in! Don’t just assume that clients know what you do. It is your job as an SEO specialist to effectively communicate that value in simplified terms with data. 

As Donna mentions , “these (key) words, lead this much traffic to this URL”. When you’re able to explain SEO to your client in the language that they understand, it makes it easier for them to make the decision to invest in it. 

Keep learning more SEO essentials. Follow Steve on LinkedIn!